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Legal Advice.

When something is up

Every business assumes risks. As a prudent business owner, you will be looking at mitigating and managing all foreseeable risks. This means:

  • identifying risks before taking them on (eg prior to entering into any verbal / written agreement) 

  • reviewing existing business practices regularly to identify gaps  

  • having an immediate response plan in place if all else fail.


We know that despite best efforts, things do go wrong. Knowing where to seek prompt help is important:


Your MDO (any notifiable incidents):

  • Compensation claim by patient

  • Investigation by regulator

  • Coronial inquest

  • Privacy breach

  • Employment dispute with employer


For matters not within your MDO policy, we can assist with:

  • Reviewing contracts

  • Contractual dispute

  • Employment & workplace dispute within your private practice

  • Complaints from patients

  • Liaising with your MDO - if you require assistance 


Whether human error has occurred, misjudgement, simply a bad deal or through no fault of your own - we can come alongside. 

FEES: from $400 + GST
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